“The latest figures from NISRA serve as another grim reminder of the devastating impact that Coronavirus is having across our society. Sadly, it also highlights that older people living in care homes are particularly vulnerable, reinforcing the need for Government to do everything in its power to try to protect them.

“There were 63 more deaths in care homes in the past week. That is more than all other settings combined, and something that is gravely concerning. With care home deaths accounting for 40% of all Covid-19 deaths now it is clear that these homes are the front line in this pandemic battle.

“As Commissioner, I will continue to press all relevant authorities to take all the necessary action to help shield older people from this terrible virus, whether that be in care home settings or in their own home. There is nothing inevitable about care homes being infected by coronavirus and therefore a key focus must be on protecting all residents and staff through adequate PPE and a universal rolling system of testing. No stone must be left unturned in the fight to save lives.”

You can view NISRA's report here: https://www.nisra.gov.uk/publications/weekly-deaths