The Commissioner for Older People has given his reaction after a woman in her 90s was held at knifepoint in her home in the early hours of Monday morning (18 December).

Police reported that the lady was held at knifepoint by four masked men during an aggravated burglary. The woman, who was home alone at the time, was prevented from leaving her home by one of the intruders and her phone line was also cut to prevent her from raising the alarm. The lady was found later that morning by her carer, in a state of distress.

The Commissioner said: "I am absolutely appalled to learn of what happened to this lady in the early hours of this morning. This was a despicable attack on an older woman in her own home, where she should feel safe. Not only did they hold this lady at knifepoint, but to then cut her telephone line, robbing her of any opportunity to seek help, is a truly abominable, heartless and callous act. Older victims of crime suffer from a much greater damaging effect and it can take much longer to recover from the trauma that is inflicted – often they never do. I urge anyone with information to contact the police so that these perpetrators can be brought to justice. I also ask that if you know of an older person who is living in your community who may be particularly vulnerable to please check in on them often. My thoughts are with this lady and I hope she is receiving comfort in friends and family during the aftermath of this heinous act.”