Evelyn Hoy, Chief Executive, The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland (COPNI) congratulated Bangor artist Hilary Robinson and presented her with a framed print after her design was selected and featured on COPNI's Christmas card for 2015.

A member of North Down & Ards U3A, Hilary was one of many people who responded to the call for older artists across Northern Ireland to submit designs for COPNI's annual Christmas card. The presentation took place at the monthly North Down & Ards U3A meeting where COPNI's Chief Executive, Evelyn Hoy, praised the positive contribution that older people across Northern Ireland make to our society. Over the next 50 years older people will contribute almost £25 billion through volunteering, caring, childcare, replacement parenting and working.

Speaking at the presentation of Hilary's design, Evelyn Hoy, Chief Executive at the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland's office, said:

"Art can be enjoyed at any age and the U3A give hundreds of older people across our region the opportunity to develop their skills through regular classes and workshops. Hilary's winning design was sent out as a Christmas card to people across Northern Ireland, including politicians, groups and individuals with whom the office has engaged with over the past three years. It serves to highlight the talent and creativity of local older people in Northern Ireland.

"Many excellent pieces were submitted and the choosing just one winner was very difficult. I would like to thank all those who took the time to send in a design, and to congratulate Hilary Robinson on her beautiful piece of art."

COPNI will be running the annual Christmas Card competition again this year, and will also be introducing a writing competition for the inside verse. For more information contact Christy.hunter@copni.org.