The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland, Claire Keatinge, has welcomed the launch of the consultation on the development of an Active Ageing Strategy for Northern Ireland.

The consultation was launched by Junior Minister's Jennifer
McCann MLA and Jonathan Bell MLA at the Pensioners Parliament which took place today in City Hall (Friday 21February) and was attended by older people from across Belfast.

The event is the first in a series of Pensioner's Parliaments which will take place around Northern Ireland over the next few months, hosted by Age Sector Platform.

The Commissioner, who chaired the Advisory Group on the strategy, said:

"The population of Northern Ireland is changing, with more and more people living longer, more active lives. This is very welcome news, but it must be reinforced by government policy if we are to ensure that older people are supported and encouraged in their later years.

"I welcome the Executive's commitment to this in the publication of the Active Ageing Strategy today, and I look forward to reviewing the content to ensure that it includes specific targets which will make a real difference in the lives of today and tomorrow's older people.

"I would encourage everyone to respond and give their feedback to ensure that the government reflects the hopes, concerns and aspirations of older people across Northern Ireland."

To view a video of the launch of the consultation event, click on the link below

The Active Ageing Strategy is available at

For more information on the Pensioners Parliaments and on Age Sector Platform visit