The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland, Eddie Lynch said: “I am extremely shocked by the tone of the RQIA Statement.
In terms of points of clarification, the Commissioner said:
“My report is not a reflection of the experience of relatives, families and carers who submitted evidence to my investigation alone. It is a reflection of all of the evidence submitted including information submitted by the RQIA and the Health and Social Care Trusts, all of which was analysed by my expert panel. My report is a report on a statutory investigation – not a review.
“RQIA documentation alone which was submitted in disclosure to my office, identifies 19 family complaints made directly to the RQIA and 38 complaints from across staff, Health and Social Care Trusts, Healthcare Professionals, the public and agency workers to the RQIA about Dunmurry Manor.
“The investigation does not seek agreement or otherwise from the Relevant Authorities involved. The evidence stands on its own, it was analysed by my team and my panel of experts. My Safeguarding and Human Rights expert was in no doubt that the evidence provided supported the finding of concerns of institutional abuse at Dunmurry Manor. Health and Social Care Trust documentation submitted in evidence showed Trust officials raised concerns about this very issue.
“Resident on resident ‘disinhibited sexualised behaviour’ may happen in settings where people live with dementia but my investigation makes clear that the person on the receiving end of this behaviour is an adult in need of protection , as defined in the NI Adult Safeguarding policy. In all cases it must be reported to the Trust who should have a duty to make enquiries. The perpetrator may also be an adult at risk. Nowhere in my investigation report has this behavior been referred to as criminal. People live with dementia all over Northern Ireland and a good care home will have the expertise and staff available to manage these behaviours when they do occur.”