The Commissioner for Older People held an event on 14 December with over 100 older people, representatives from The Executive Office and others to raise concerns that there is almost no level of consideration of older people and their interests in the Programme for Government.

The Commissioner also spoke to Nick Garbutt of Scope Magazine about his disappointment that there is so little reference to older people in the draft Programme for Government (PfG). You can read the article by clicking here.

COPNI has developed a 15th high level outcome for PfG - to Value, Respect and Protect Older People. We've suggested the measures and indicators that could be used to track progress on key issues for older people - issues like ensuring they are protected from all kinds of abuse, fighting discrimination older people experience when trying to secure services and goods and tackling the social isolation that blights some older people's lives. You can view the proposed outcome, measures and indicators by downloading the PDFs below.

Eddie Lynch is promoting this additional outcome to our Ministers and all politicians who will have a say in the final publication of the PfG. He is asking everyone to acknowledge that this further outcome focussing on older people is needed and should be included in the PfG. If you want to see the details of our proposals you can download our briefing paper below. Please share it as widely as you wish. If you are an older person, or you care for older people, please ask your politicians why older people are so absent from the PfG as it is currently published.

Click here to read COPNI's consultation response from December 2016.

Click here to read COPNI's consultation response from July 2016.

Click here to read COPNI's suggested new outcome and indicators for the Programme for Government.