The Commissioner for Older People, Claire Keatinge, has welcomed the announcement by Health Minister Simon Hamilton that he intends to introduce compulsory registration for social care workers in domiciliary care and day care settings.

Claire Keatinge said:

“With more and more people living longer and more independent lives, domiciliary care is a vital service in enabling older people to remain in their own homes for longer.

“Older people and their families deserve to have confidence that should they need domiciliary care, that the service they will receive is appropriately registered and regulated, and that those administering the service are properly vetted.

“I welcome the announcement that all social care workers in the domiciliary care and day care settings are to registered, and I believe this is a very positive step in building confidence in providing care for all those who need it, particularly older people.

“I would ask that the Minister now outline a detailed timetable for implementation at the earliest opportunity to ensure that positive improvements are made to domiciliary care for older people today and for future generations.

