The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland, Claire Keatinge, has published her response to the Active Ageing Strategy and called on OFMDFM to ensure that actions accompany the strategy, and that it is more than just a "dust-down" of existing policies.

The Commissioner said:

"The population make-up of Northern Ireland is changing, with more people than ever before living longer, healthier lives. Older people make a huge contribution to society across many aspects of life, including family life, volunteering and caring, much of which often goes unrecognized.

"The Active Ageing Strategy is a positive step towards ensuring that older people across Northern Ireland are encouraged to continue to participate in an active role, and gives some detail as to how this can be supported by government.

"There is much in the strategy which I welcome, however there are many actions which are taken from existing departmental commitments, and it is important that we see new commitments and adequate resources.

"The Active Ageing Strategy represents a real opportunity for government to publicly evidence its commitment to encouraging and increasing participation of older people across society, and ensure the care and protection of vulnerable older people.

"I am calling on OFMDFM to ensure that the strategy is supported by sufficient resource and investment, so that Northern Ireland can be an even better place to grow older."