It's that time of the year again! The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland’s popular Christmas photography competition is back, and this year the theme is advantAGE – celebrating the positives of ageing.

The photography competition is seeking older people from across all counties to capture their own interpretation of what they believe the advantages of ageing to be.

The Commissioner for Older People, Eddie Lynch said:

“One of my key priorities is ‘tackling ageism’ and I recently carried out consultations across Northern Ireland with older people on this issue. Although we heard some shocking examples of ageism from many participants, what we also heard was an array of positive stories and attitudes about growing older. Most of the older people I spoke with live a very positive, fulfilling life and spoke about the advantages of growing older, how they continue to contribute to society and how a positive attitude was so important to them.”

“This year’s Christmas card competition was inspired by their stories. For the ageing population here in Northern Ireland, the competition is not only a chance to show off their photography skills but also to celebrate all that is wonderful about the third age.

“There are many ways to show the advantages of ageing, whether you believe that to be through keeping physically active with sports, having more time to travel, caring for loved ones, attending social or community groups, volunteering, spending time with grandchildren, continuing to work or simply by having a positive mindset. I look forward to this year’s entries and seeing how older people will interpret this year’s theme to help reframe how older people are portrayed in society.

The COPNI ‘advantAGE’ competition is open to everyone living in Northern Ireland aged 60 plus, up to three entries per person can be submitted. Entries must be submitted via email to or via private message on COPNI’s Facebook page. You can also post a hard copy to The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland, Equality House, 7-9 Shaftesbury Square, BT2 7DP. However, digital copies are recommended. Please include your name and contact details including phone number, a short description of your photograph and ensure you have the permission of anybody featured in the photograph prior to submission.

A shortlist of entries will be chosen, and the winner will receive a £200 voucher of their choice, with the winning image being featured on COPNI’s virtual Christmas card, social media channels and newsletter.

The competition will close 12 noon Friday 1 December, so get snapping!